Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Day 3: Future Generation as Conqueror

The Giant Killer

Then David said to the Philistine… “You come to me with a sword and spear, and a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of Hosts… this day the Lord will deliver you into my hands… and all the earth will know there is a God in Israel” 1 Samuel 17-45-46

David began with one simple but mighty act. He loved God. This was where his faith born – in love for the one who gave him life. Nothing was more important to David than his relationship with God. As a young man, when he faced Goliath, he realized it was his faith that was on trial. Goliath had the ability to crush him; in spite of this David was not overwhelmed by his opponent. David proclaimed his faith in God, and this was where he gained victory.

You may be facing a Goliath in your own life. Feelings of doubt chew at your thoughts and lately you wonder how you will be able to face the challenge. God is close to you, and He will not abandon you.

If David listened to his brothers’ doubting words, he would have suffered defeat. Instead, he put his hope in God.

God has victory in mind for your life. Remember, the true nature of battle is spiritual. The enemy of your soul has one goal and that is to discourage you. Satan wanted to defeat and discourage Israel. However, God trained and raised up a mighty warrior in David, and this is exactly what He want to do in your life. He wants to train you for battle and for the victory!

What was the motivation of David?

Why is He so confident to win regardless of what he has?

Can we see ourselves like David… The Giant Killer?

  • Giant killers are NOT OVERWHELMED by the challenge.
  • Giant killers FACE the challenge with higher purpose.
  • Giant killers are EAGER to win.


What giants are you facing today? What will be your initial steps to conquer those giants?

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